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Injured passenger recovers policy limits in single vehicle crash in Fairfax County, Virginia

$300,000 Settlement

In July 2011, Plaintiff was a passenger in a car with four other people. The Defendant driver was speeding and was told to slow down but did not. Subsequently, Defendant lost control of the vehicle and ran off the road and struck a tree at a high rate of speed. Plaintiff suffered from a mild concussion, a fractured left wrist, a right elbow lacerated to the bone for which he had at least two surgeries (debridement and skin grafts), a fractured right femur (for which he had surgery), a frayed coronary artery, and neck pain. Plaintiff saw multiple specialists and had physical therapy. He was in the hospital for many days, had a cast on his arm and leg and required use of crutches and a wheel chair, among other things. He has permanent scarring and limitations.