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Injured driver recovers $300,000 policy limits from T-bone collision

On 3/16/08, Plaintiff was stopped at an intersection waiting to turn left in Fairfax County, Virginia when Defendant lost control of his vehicle and T-boned Plaintiff’s vehicle on the driver’s side. Plaintiff had to be cut out of his vehicle before being transported to the hospital, also lost consciousness after impact and awakened in the hospital. Plaintiff suffered a lacerated liver, hematuria (blood in urine), a concussion, neck and back injuries and ultimately underwent a neck surgery (posterior cervical decompression laminectomy to C3-7 with posterolateral fusion and instrumentation). Plaintiff was reliant on pain medications and a cane to walk as part of his daily life following the accident. Plaintiff incurred $125,000 in medical bills and had a lost wage claim of almost $19,000. Plaintiff was a civilian employee for the U.S. Dept. of Treasury. The case settled before trial for policy limits of $300,000.